Shiny Slidify Project

For Coursera 'Developing Data Products'

NV Ramamoorthy
Freelance Consultant

Purpose of this Presentation

  1. As a part of the Course Developing Data Products , I learnt and practised packages Shiny & Slidfy .
  2. This presentation is for demonstrating my skills on these packages.
  3. My work on these subject is kept in Github Repository .
  4. You may visit the following link:
  5. All my work connected with the modules under Coursera course offered by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health were in my GitHub Repository
  6. My Shiny Application 'Countywise Population Distribution in USA' is deployed at
  7. My Slidify Application can be accessed at the link :

Code Execution in Slidify Presentation

Here is a Code chunk to demonstrate that Slidify can present live excution of code.

x <- seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.01);
f1 <- 0.5; f4 <- 0.75;
y <- f1*sin(2*pi*x) + f4*sin(2*pi*4*x)
plot(x, y, type="l");

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Screen Shot of my Shiny Appication

I wanted to add the Screen Shot of my Shiny application .

I searched on web. There are few clues. But I could not succeed in doing that.

You can see the Slide Presentation at this link :

The Code Chunk tried in previous slide worked.

That was a simple plot using few lines of code.

Please let me know 'How to Insert Images in slides'.

You may mail me at

Thank You


இந்த நாள் இனிதாகுக!

My native language is Tamil.

I just wanted to test whether other language fonts work in slidify.

WOW it worked!!!

The meaning of those Tamil word are 'Thanks' , 'Have Nice Day'.

I have taken all Modules of 'Data Scientist' stream of Coursera .

This Module is my last one.

I thank everyone who were with me during this stream for last 4 months.

I Wish Everyone A Great Future Ahead!!